A Chore for Everyday

A Chore for Everyday

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ear pulling VS Ear infection, Heat rash VS Eczema

Dear mothers,

Q: Sethia has been pulling on his ears a lot. How do I know whether he has an ear infection, started teething, or simply found his ears? Thank you for your insights. :)

A: Dulu Alex juga suka gitu, Grace. Sampe kadang kecakar kuku nya and tergores telinga nya. Normal sih, ada yg bilang kalo itu gejala teething =) Just make sure that his nails are short and not sharp =)

Kalo ear infection, biasanya ada fever, running nose or smelly liquid keluar dr telinga. So kalo Sethia ga nangis2 tanpa sebab and ga ada
gejala2 yg saya sebut di atas than seharusnya sih OK and normal =)

Hope it helps =)

- Sofia

A. Selama ga fever, ato nangis2 gitu should b okay grace, mungkin dia explore aja.

- Indah

Ear pulling VS Ear infection. Also, here.

Trondheim's summer this year is rather mild; I believe it is of an average of 13 deg C. However, Sethia has been sweating a lot especially on hot days of 28 deg C even though he is already wearing clothing very lightly and minimally. He also has heat rashes spreading on both cheeks. In this Baby Center link I read directions on how to treat heat rash, but I would appreciate it if you can suggest other ways - esp. more traditional treatments if there are any. Thanks a lot! :)

Heat rash VS Eczema.

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