"From the time their children are born, French parents provide them with a firm cadre—the word means "frame" or "structure." Children are not allowed, for example, to snack whenever they want. Mealtimes are at four specific times of the day. French children learn to wait patiently for meals, rather than eating snack foods whenever they feel like it. French babies, too, are expected to conform to limits set by parents and not by their crying selves. French parents let their babies "cry it out" if they are not sleeping through the night at the age of four months.
French parents, Druckerman observes, love their children just as much as American parents. They give them piano lessons, take them to sports practice, and encourage them to make the most of their talents. But French parents have a different philosophy of disciplinine. Consistently enforced limits, in the French view, make children feel safe and secure. Clear limits, they believe, actually make a child feel happier and safer—something that is congruent with my own experience as both a therapist and a parent. Finally, French parents believe that hearing the word "no" rescues children from the "tyranny of their own desires." And spanking, when used judiciously, is not considered child abuse in France."
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12 years ago
grace.. ini yg aku terapin.
ReplyDeletedulu aku sempat stress gara2 timmy cuma mau tidur dalam gendongan. kalo cuma gendong2 sampe dia tidur sih gak papa yah, tp dia kalo ditaruh di ranjang bisa langsung melek en nangis lagi. Aku sampe gak bisa ngapa2in en ada bbrp hari nangis, uda mana gak ada yg dateng buat bantuin abis lahiran, jauh dari kluarga, gak punya pembantu. emosi jg blm stabil abis lahiran. Ngrasa kok susah banget yah jadi emak? sampai timmy umur 5 minggu aku harus gendong2 dia terus tapi abis itu kami lakukan sleeping training. Kalo dia belum tidur, aku gendong ajak ngobrol tapi begitu dia yawning ngantuk, aku langsung baringin dia di ranjang. Asal pastiin dia full feeding dan diapernya kering, we let him cry tapi gak ditinggal, pegang tangannya dan bilang, " it is oke, kamu bisa tidur kok. it is time to sleep ". Nangis 20menitan selama seminggu, abis itu dia bisa tidur sendiri tanpa digendong2.
trus soal latih sleep through the night juga gitu. dia bangun tengah malam nangis, aku komit u/ gak kasih bf lagi. Timmy jadi ngamuk nangis makin kenceng tapi gak sampe seminggu akhirnya dia uda gak pernah bangun2 lagi, malah di sesi bf terakhir menjelang tidur jadinya dia nursing agak lama ( mungkin krn dia tau yah dia kudu make his tummy full krn mama gak akan breastfeeding lagi tengah malam )
semua kuncinya KUDU KONSISTEN grace.
gak tau si hanna gimana sekarang. Tapi ini smua berkaitan sm day feeding, klo baby pas siangnya teratur nanti pas malamnya juga jadi oke.